Everyone told me that this film was OK, that it wasnt scary and i believed them.
yesterday when me and two friends of mine watched it :O
The truth, it was BORING looking like a documentary film and it was like that all the way untill something weird started happening, strange doors and sounds starts moving from no where,
the light puts on by it self while they are sleeping,
you hear someone moving loudly on the stairs toward there bedroom but you cant see who it is or what is is.
two people alone in the house but from no where your bedroom door opens,
you only see the shadow of that thing or person thats comin in,
a question, is it a ghost, a zombie , a demond or a monster ?
No one knows, but in the end u will see what it is...
but the only thing i can say is that, if u think you aint scared, trust me..
watch this film and follow it then you will see what happens at the end haha!
I got me a Samsung S5230 'Tocco Lite' Touchscreen Phone

Mr.Lloyd in the kitchen :)
i told hime that there wasnt any food.
He then asked me a question, Lloyd`dont u ever cook anything ?
I then kept quiet 4 a while but then i answered that yhe sometimes when am hungry.
I knew that he was hungry, so i decided to suprice him and cook food, i cooked Rice and grilled Chicken,
do u know how sweet it is, hahah :)
Anyway i then called him and told hime that yo, am gonna cook dont worry,
he then asked me how long its gonna tak, i said i dont know but i will call you when its done.
I first did the rice and the the sauce and the chicken last :)
Now am listening to loud music at home, gonna go and eat my delicious food plus film and then prepare for tonight which is gonna be K2 :)

Jamaican Cribs - Elephant Man
Counter Strike
I had forgotten how fun Counter strike was, today, me and my boys are in the internate game storeplaying the game called counter strike, its just war and stressful you know.
We are 11 plp right now, half of us are the good guys which is C4 Force, and the other group are the bad guys which are the terrorists.
they won all the time but its cool, i didnt have the skills as em,
anyways, i had fun and spent alot of cash buying time you know in this shit
but i godda go now so take care yall
much love.. <33
Another Crazy night !
Första gången jag gick dar tyckte jag om den men andra gången tyckte jag inte om den, de ända jag tyckte om va att dem spelade tunga musik men dj suger de erkänna jag, musiken va för högt och han kunde inte ens mixa men jag fick träffa mina gamla kompisar som jag inte har sett på ett år nästan.. saknade dem fett mkt. Det va de ända anledning varför jag hade ´kul annas det sista gången jag dra dit men jag erkänna att jag hade roligt, dansade för mkt och köpte dricker :D men ska bjuda på lite bilder från klubben :)

Lovet är slut :/
I have been very busy the all holiday, so am sorry if i have not me uppdating ya whats going on with me and my life and my day so with my holiday, but i can tell yall alittle bit of what i did ... :)
me and some other crew, we were gonna go to galaxi but we didnt just cuz we were lazy to bok the tickets, i will keep that i mind next time,
I have been around with alot of friends, done this done that you know what i mean, i´ve watched Michael jaksons film´this is it´and if you ask me how the film was, it was best, people jurged him alot when they dont know even what his mission was, he said that, take a look at urself and then make a change in this world.
now that his gone, its upp to us to make that change in this world, stop war and make peace.
Anyways, i celebrated halloween too on friday and saturday, on frida me and my homies, Dj ting, Eddie black, Daniel and Milton went to this hot new spot called club Crib. its was one of the best clubs i have been too here in sweden, its was so full and warm, most of my old friends from all over were there so i was happy that i was there too :) We owned the danceflow, took lots of pictures and had fun like it was the last day of our life...,
As me lloydipop says, whenever its special day, enjoys it as you never gonna enjoy it again.
Right now i only have one more thing to say and that is Goodnight my fellow people, brothers and sisters, friends and lover, real and fake ones, its only one heart, dont break it so One love.
Goodnight, sleep tight:D <33