One Crazy weekend
so My weekend :) On Friday
Me roy tefo and the rest of the Crew planed on Friday to hit upp this new club called club nype, we wrote our selves on to the list and we were on the list accually, but from no where, they told us that we aint on the list :O so we refused to bouce, we stayed like for two hours and aggued with them, at last they said that we are on the list, the people that were working over there were rasists so TO HELL WITH THEM,
so we all went back to my Crib cuz i was home alone, we had a small home chill party, So we had aa small home party then untill the morgning, never slept well accually but it was hype.
yesterday, saturday, always last minutes, i was accuallt gonna go clubing to soweto but i was daaam tired from Friday so i stayed home, friends of mine came over, then after a while, more came and more so it become a home party again, AM CRAZY and yes i know that :) by the way, mikewize was in the house to heheh
anyways, yesterday at the end of the party, there was a fight that made me to stop the party, i wont say who were fightin but it was a bullshit fight for bullshit reasons, the fight kept on all the way for a while but the good thing is that everyone survived scuz it was Crazy in the train, thoes that were there, they know how crazy and scared it was ;D
Ps. Happy birthday Michael Jakson :)

school time
Det är en stressigt vecka för mig just nu, varför, för de skolan. jag har inte blivit van med att vakna upp tidigt och men jag bruka sova sent ofta som idag, de sent och vet inte varför jag inte ens sover, vänta, FACEBOOK !!!!
man bli lätt beroende, fuck that.. jag har skolan och har mkt arbete och göra plus de min sista året och ska inte låta det störa mig så de sent och ska upp tidigt så Peace
sov så gött och drömm sött !!
Happy birthday Bettina
DJ Eddie, thx for the music, u hooked up the night with some danchall, ugandan music so with little bit of reggea and jam, thats wht i like :)
everyone that was on that party, i knew most of them and it was like a family to me, i was so daaam happy like hell. I wasnt feeling well accually cuz i had a cold, a big headäche and lite disturbing in my throat but i couldnt let that stop me from having fun and celebrate Betty for her 18th birthday bashment party.
anyway the BIGGEST present she got from her mom was a Car key :O Can u believe that :) she got a Car, God daaaam !! I just got surpriced and so happy for her.
I wonder when i will get such a present hehe but we shall see next yr how it goes lol
am still aint feeling well, got a cold, my head hurts, so i better be insde for today and prepare for school which is my last yr :)
paece, take care much love

2face Idibia
Dagens och Veckans låt är 2face Idibia - Rain Drops.
Det har varit ett tag sen jag hörde en skön låt av han, senaste va det My African queen, tills idag älska jag låten och hoppas jag en dag kan jag sjunga den åt den tjejen jag hitta i framtiden lol never know...,
men nu kommer han igen stört med en ny skön tung sann låt som kallas för Rain Drop.
Big love to his music,
juste, kolla åt höger, dar finns en ipod musik spelare, så stopa den eller pausa den först sen lysnna på den har låten, säg till vad ni tycker :) love

I just watched Knight and day by Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz, its very exiting and fun but not as much as i thaught, its good to see but not worth it, its very funny because of the chick, but all Cameron Diaz films, are fun and good. so welcome back Tom cruise in the film industry :D missed ur movies
its freeky hot in here, rained just outside today so much that i had to hear the rain drop in my leaving room while watching tv with Aliyaah :D
so far, got one more day to go, its skul then thats why.., Godda get ready
so take Care yall and
have a good nice sweet wet beautiful night so Godnight
So far the voice suckt like hell, the only two people, artist that killed it was lazee and flo-rida, guess who lazee came with, Quincy jones, the producer of Micheal jakson was in STHLM on the voice consert with lazee, daaam.
anyway, i cant believ that i went to the voice cuz there were full of kids, young kids like small insects shit and butter flies all over around hehe anyway pass with that, its a new week, new month and a new day,
I have just watched Karatie kid with jaden Smith, ,the film was so daam funny and good to be honest, the kid was cute, he resembles his dad so much, the way he acts, raps, dance there i dont know about but, i wish me one like that in future coming. one with lots of talent.
Now, am willing to see Step up 3D, a dance movie that alot of artist like flo-rida, lil wayne have made a song about the movie and Knight and Day with tom cruise and Cameron diaz, a action movie.
time for fun is soon done, am beginning skul this thursday, time for books, daamit, i hate it but i miss it hehe
its time for me to live yha now, wait for tommorrow and see what happen in a beautiful day so
take care yall peace and love
So Cold Crazy Cruise
Ryt now i got no words for my week, next week me start skul :( but now i can say that i love adventures, so tuesday, me and my crew, best friends and close friends, we went to the cruise, utill now am still tired cuz i never slept well but i did have fun like there is no more tommorrow, so far now i can say that the cruise was so daaam crazy, had fun like hell, all the time, high music in the rum, in the club daaam. Cant wait 4 the next cruise, this time, it might be two days over :)
anyway i dont have much to say about it but i will be easy with yall and uppdate yall with whats happening in the week, so tommorrow, a friend of mine called dorren, gonna have a bye bye party here in rågsved because she´s gonna move to USA and move on with her life with studies, so me and royking will be there, on saturday, it will be the voice i guess so i will be there, after the voice, something big is happening, if u know me then u will see what happens hehe
anyways, here are some pic from the cruise,
Crazy nyt
I so Cant believe it that i just wake up ryt now and the time is freeking 5 :O wow, the truth,
i didnt wanna wake up cuz i had a good nice crazy dream and crazy night that i was so daaam tired,
all of my body was so dead that just wanna lay down and take a rest, its been a long time i went to Mango bar so yesterday it was, it was so daaam crazy, 24/7 reageton, we got tired of reageton but after a while, pon de floor came up, thats when the real party began, then big good crazy dancehall came up too and we just fukt up the floor,
we got all sweaty like we have been traing or somethin, anyway it was a crazy night..
at the end of the night, me tefo and kudz hooked up Mc donalds, we were thursty like hell and hungry
( u kno nigaz with food) In Mc donalds
Check out the rest on FB..
Peace out and much love
stomp the yard 2
Yo plp, if you love hiphop, Kramp and you have seen the last movie stomp the yard, so get ready for the second movie cuz its OUT now Stomp the yard 2, Me cant wait to see it,
i remember long time ago watching Taking the stage on MTV and tyler got an audition into this movie stomp the yard 2, so dont be surprised that he is in the movie cuz he got the moves and what it takes.
anyways, i have watched stomp the yard like a hundred times, loving the dance when Columbus Short did his thing and the amazing this is that he is still in the movie so lets see whats happens,
maybe i should download or wait for it lol
God daaaam i just Cant wait to see it anyway, here i give you the trailer of the movie :)
The blogging
Jag har precis vaknat nyss fakts så God morgon mina kära,. helt trött, direkt på tv och försöker pigga upp mig, det galet tråkigt när man är hemma ofta och har inget och göra men vi få se senare kankshe kmr på ngt, men det mkt som har hänt senaste veckorna men jag försöker att kolla på den positva sida. så självklart har jag saknat att blogga men det fanns ingeting att blogga om faktis, men ska försöker ge bloggen uppmärkshet och dela med er vad som händer med mig och mitt liv,
Det verka som skolan närma sig, fan fett jobbigt, men ärligt, jag vill skolan för jag sakna själva folket i skolan , plugget och det är min sista året till och med så man måste kämpa, kolla bara framåt och inte bakåt.
Så Peace out
Much love