längta inför lovet
jag njuter av glass just nu som heter häagen - Dazs, fett gott :)
Såhar ska min påsk lovet vara,
Min lov börja den tordag, sluta kl 12 från skolan sen har jag fotboll med grabberna,
sen i helgen
är det en tung upptradade med weseal och Radio och ray c från Uganda och Tanzania.

sen på lovet är det Galaxi igen, kanskhe på onsdag elle tordag åka jag igen
we party to the end, we neva stop !!
sen i lördags är de Elephant man i Göta källare

It hurts
its cuz i miss you,
grand mother, dad and mom, why did you have to live ?
I couldnt understand the pain of losing someone important
when i was young but now since i see clearly,
i pray every night to live and wake up so that i survive
the next day..it hurts missing a parent,
the pain in me makes me cry whenever i think of them
but i pray to God to take care of all of ya
so that you rest in ertanal peace,
may be soon we shall see each other again and reunite,
who know what would happen tommorrow
i didnt get a chance to tell ya that i love you,
so in all my prays i always say it and beg the Angels, spirits and God
to be with ya...,
Grand mother,Mother and dad, I know that you watching me
so i would like to tel ya that i truly love ya with all my heart and soul
and it hurts missing all of ya.
all of ya always in my mind all day long and night so in my prayers,
Please God, guide my parents, take care of them utill i meet them
thanks much love

Daggering dance so sick :O
I love the dance, i love dancehall but sometimes its so crazy and sick :) hehe
Hottest Ryt now
so sorry girls, weezy is already booked and taken so keep on dreaming hahah !!

Justin Bieber ft ludacris
anyway i have listened to it more than 5 times, that means that i love the song. he is cute NO HOMO ! but
the song stuck in my head so i like what he is singing about, his first love, all that young teenege love you know so here it is,

Home at last!
Vill skriva något men har inget och skriva om idag, kryssningen va ass grymm, va borta två dagar,från torsdags till lördags, det blev gratis buffe så tack Galaxi har ingen luft att skriva mkt idag så jag tänkte bjuda på en tung grymm uppträdade av lil wayne och t.pain av låten lollipop, Got money och Amilli :)
enjoy :)
The future Superstar
its very late and i cant sleep, plans 4 2morrows is ice skating, i do suck on that,
cuz it aint ma thing but its fun
i´v been on tv watching films and tried studying ,
but nothing is working, so i decided to get here on the computer
and check out what´s new,
do u know what, i have just seen someone new
who got talent, that might be the new future
Alicia keys or beyonce i dont know u name it
but by her talent,
i know that she will go far in life if she goes 4 it
only God knows..
check out out singing hehe
Good luck, hope ya like it
plus Good night, sleep well :)