Will I sleep To night ?
I wonder if am gonna be able to sleep tonight, I just watched a scary movie called Somebody help me
and the worst thing is that am home alone today, what am i gonna do now, maybe i should be up the all night or listen to Good music like dancehall to make my night.
anyway in October, another part of the movie is comin out, "Somebody Help me 2.
B.E.T world premier "Somebody help me 2" October 29th
Cant wait !
Anyway, Check out the trailer for the first movie !
Check out Trailer for the Second Movie !
Crazy Night !
Jag fatta inte att jag hinner blogga nu för jag kom nyss hem från en galen One love lokal fest/konser,
den va tungt så fan fast jag va helt hela festen om ni förstår haha , va inte mig själv i andra ord.
orka inte berätta allt men när bilderna kommer fram,
kommer dem snacka för sig själv
annas jag är jätte somnig nu och de halv tio, vem sover på morgonen när folk hålla på Gå upp,
annas Goodnight Gott folks !
Does any of Yhe remember this song !
These are the songs that played BIG TIME utill today Before some of us were Born ! I remember when i was young dancing to them and in clubs too, daaaam i miss the old time !
Loving twitter more than blogg

Got Nothin To Do

Good life
I have been eating "CHAPATI nad SUBUSA" the all day while watching an action adventure film called The Eagle, Now am kinda of watching 50 cent´s new film called Blood out, i aint done watching it cuz am gonna give Aliyah a shower now then put her to bed
anyway, I have a good feeling about today, I dont know why but let me hope it goes as planned,
Soon in couple hours, am gonna meet up some couple friends of mine then continue to Råksta, Our homie Dj has this BBQ chill party at his place and i heard that, he gonna have his own Bartendar, I heard it from someone cant say home but if its true then LORD HAVE MERCY fot tonight cuz its going done.
When Roykingjr is done working by 22:00, we might continue ll the way North to Marsta, Who knows but its cuz its Liz´s Student party today too.
As you know PARTY HARD OR HOME !
Like Mother Like Dotter
We all know that Whitney Houston is a drug adict right, so here comes the CHOCKEST NEWS EVER!!!!
Whitney Houston´s Dotter thats 18yrs old is taking Cocain, you know what they say, like mother like dotter,
I guess thats true. how can you let your 18yr old dotter take drugs, Seriously, what´s wrong with this world.
Bobbi Kristina, 18, follows her mother's footsteps.
According to the National Enquirer abusing daughter several different types of hard drugs,
Bobbi Kristina is the daughter of Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown.
Her childhood was not easy when both parents have been abused and neglected her daughter periodically. 2008 Bobbi was hospitalized after trying to kill himself.
Now publishes the magazine National Enquirer pictures of Bobbi Kristina when taking cocaine. According to the newspaper's sources,
she will be addicted to drugs
A new son in the Family
I would like to say Congradulations to my brother Young Boss A.K.A Hood, he became a father yesterday.
He brought us a baby boy in the family. am happy for him.
I remember what he wrote on is facebook notice that, "Bambi gals mbabuusa,do watever u do but don't get pregnant. Most especially when it ain't worth it. Shit ain't easy"
let me hope ya´ll undertand what it means
anyways only God know when its my turn
Anyway, pcitures of the baby will come up soon, dont have them yet but Once again,
Congradulations Bro !
Cozy day
Been playing x-box the all day and chilling with Aliyah, playing with her, I love when she smiles and laughs, she´s so happy that in her world, there is no problem but love and happiness only.
anyway recently i have just watched You got served 2, Beat the world, hornestly, the film was Dope,
I digged it, loved and filled it.
they got all this sick dance moves in the Movie,
I wish i could do what they do in the movie.
If am to compare between the first one and the new one, i dont know but Today, i can say, this one was better :)
anyway am planning to watch another movie called #UNKNOWN. action movie then maybe sleep or continue watching movies untill i fall asleep.
You got served 2
Vybz Kartel - Go Go Wine [Official Video-HD] June 2011
Film sugen !

Am awake now
Just wake up and in a little bit i godda bouce to school, just getting done with some stuffs/studies then after will shall see where the day takes me.
the wheather doesnt look like its looking fine today
What wake me up today, it was someonen that called me up and I HATE being waken up, i was enjoying my sleep but its too late now,
am listening to Big sean´s music now and getting ready,
peace !
Goodnight Ya´ll

Big Sean Ft. Kanye West- Whatever you want
Not done with school

Summer time

Jag har tagit Studenten !


Big plans Popping
Just wake up and as u know me, i never wake up this early but 12:00 isnt early for some of ya´ll, and am just so HAAAAAAPPY!! I GOT A BIG SMILE RYT NOW ON MY FACE.
anyway today and tommorrow is gonna be a Big day for me, GOT big plans popping on the way.
so Today i decided to Share my plans with ya´ll cuz am so HAPPY !
Do ya know how it feels waking up with a smile on your face ? hehe Trust me..
Planns for today.
- In couple minutes heading to the shower, then head to town and meet Kannessa and Selaam
- We gonna check ut Elin´s Graduation, she´s running out today.
- Then after meet up my dad, going out to shop for a suit, u know, u godda be fly when you graduate.
- then Elins Graduation party liter on after 6.
Goodnight Ya´ll

Congradulations Sweden
Om den haltande målgesten efter den första av tre fullträffar var Zlatan Ibrahimovics slutreplik på en veckas skadediskussioner var resten av matchen ett mer än övertygande inlägg i debatten som antytt att Sverige är ett bättre lag utan honom.
– Det känns fantastiskt skönt att få göra tre mål och en assist men det viktigaste är att vi vinner matchen, sade Zlatan.
Den svenska storstjärnan kände inte av fotskadan.
Sverige och Finland

Slumdog Millionaire

jag vet att jag hade tagit paus med bloggen men det fanns inget och göra och det skit varmt och tråkigt så bestämde mig dela med mig en liten inlägg åt er ;)
My weekend h been Crazy and madness, partying all day and night long from thursday i guess all the way to satuday and sunday morgning, I would like to say congradulaitions Bettina to ur graduation party, soon its my turn and you know how it goes.
Untill now am still tired from the madness weekend but this week is gonna be more CRAZIER and MAD !
anyway am hungry and you know that i godda eat ryt, so peace, talk to yhe laiter

More pictures are at Fb, dont have time to uppload all.