is it always this boring on Fridays??
First my mom wake me upp early in the morgning cuz she needed my help so i did, we went shopping all day. I had to miss the dance traning today. Me and Roy were suppossed to go swim by 18:00 but when i got home by 19:00, i didnt feel like getting out anymore or do anything, why, cuz i was tired like hell .
I went too my rum to my wonderful bed with two bottles of coca cola and some fruites to eat, i rested alittle bit while watching tv, there was simpson and NCIS on tv at the same time and i wanted to watch both so i did or i tried hahah :P .
Now, am just listening to African songs on an african radio channel, this radio station, u can listen to it live that´s the good thing,
am so bored that i wanna do something but there aint, maybe go and eat haha but now am just gonna chill home and watch a film or do something else that´s fun. .
there´s something/someone disturbing me in my head, just hate such so just gonna try to clear my head..
I cant wait for tommorrow´s concert, where Ugandans/ E.africans artist gonna perfome in Alvik, its gonna like daaam,
let me hope that i enter cuz i dont have any money but we shall see, maybe i can fix somehow but what i know is that there are gonna be everybody, all the africans just belive that cuz its gonna be Crazy!!
Sköön blogg du har ;)
hehe oj var du där på ugandiska festen:D var den goodie?
hahh tack:)
det har du också :P ja jag va dar och den va mer än goodie för den va bäst:D du då?
hehe tackar :D
jaså nää jag var inte där, det var min farsa som fixade festen hehe men jag hörde att det var galet bra Damn att jag missade.. Har du bilder från kvällen?