Taking the stage :)
wow wow wow, den har tv serie är den bästa serie man kan följa efter, kollade nyss hela seasongen på
den har mkt drama, studenter som är i kära, bögar , den romantiska par jag gillade mest var Tyler och jasmin, men Mia försörde dem( hon va fin faktis med Jasmin va mkt bättre och söttare)
dem har två Tyler och Jasmin var dem bästa vackra par i hela skolan tyckte jag :D
den har skola är fullt av studenter med talang. tung studenter som dansa grövt, grymma tunga hiphop och allt och sjunga så jävla väckert.
den har serie har lärt mig en sak att man måste alltid följa efter sina drömmer och inte ge upp och när som helst, kan du få en möjlighet att observera dina drömmar och du får bara en chans på en livstid. det tänker jag inte glömma .. !!
peace and love !! :)
Goodnight ya´ll
Mysig kväll :)
Min helg har varit tung som jag ville att den skulle vara förutom själva vädret, den suger bajs. det regnade och så och det va jätte kallt, jag fryser just nu faktis :( i hate it
På fredag klubbade jag på klubb neo men mina grabber, dar hittade vi många som vi kände som Biggie och hans gäng. det va kul att träffa dem, de har varit ett tag sen :D
På lårdag va jag på en hemma chill hos en kompis i högdalen, det va jätte mysig. det va inte många som kom men ändå hade vi kul, vi drack, dansade och lekte.. sen efter ett tag dra nåra stycken hem men jag stannade och tva till, vi hade godaste mat med oss, kebab och coca cola haha :P Medans vi åt kollade vi på en lång gammal film som heter teen wolf, jag har aldrig sett den men det va galet roligt och kul och kolla på den, släckte ljuset i hela huset och det va bara film, jag tycker om att kolla på film utan någon ljus på, de skönare så .
ska bara anvusluta min inlägg sen ska jag till mitt rum och förvänta mig för en ny dag:P
peace out and Much love / Lloyd

This Is It by Michael Jackson
This is it, here I stand
I’m the light of the world, I feel grand
Got this love I can feel
And I know yes for sure it is real
And it feels as though I’ve seen your face a thousand times
And you said you really know me too yourself
And I know that you have got addicted with your eyes
But you say you gonna live it for yourself.
I never heard a single word about you
Falling in love wasn’t my plan
I never thought that I would be your lover
C’mon baby, just understand
This is it, I can say,
I’m the light of the world, run away
We can feel, this is real
Every time I’m in love that I feel
And I feel as though I’ve known you since 1,000 years
And you tell me that you’ve seen my face before.
And you said to me you don’t want me hanging round
Many times, wanna do it here before
I never heard a single word about you
Falling in love wasn’t my plan
I never thought that I would be your lover
C’mon baby, just understand
This is it, I can feel
I’m the light of the world, this is real
Feel my song, we can say
And I tell you I feel that way
And I feel as though I’ve known you for a thousand years
And you said you want some of this yourself
And you said won’t you go with me, on a while
And I know that it’s really cool myself
I never heard a single word about you
Falling in love wasn’t my plan
I never thought that I would be your lover
C’mon baby, just understand
I never heard a single word about you
Falling in love wasn’t my plan
I never thought that I would be your lover
C’mon baby, just understand
Its always a good day
Today me my class was at idrott gymnasiet in tekniska hög skolan, it was fun in the beginning then it was so borring like hel that i almost slept in class..
anyway, after the all projekt lession we had, me and my carzy class, some few boys, we went to town, and guess what, they wanted to get in to bio for free, just cheating you know, watching amovie 4 free and we did, you know how they do it, it was long time ago i did that but today it gave me some memories back in the days.
we watched this catoon film called UPP, it was very fun and funny, ya should see it trust me :)
Tonight anyway, its gonna be club neo, its a good club, good classic old songs and rnb and dancehall, its gonna be flipp all night long hahah
am just getting ready right now while listening to some great good nasty best song from Lloyd - year of the lover :) thats the name of the song.
Anyway, tace care, peace and much love.. :P
Another day
ska bara softa hemma idag, kolla på sverige och danmark matchen Vm-kval och sen ta hand om min lil kusin bäbisen, hon har redan fyllt ett år förra vecka:)
Igår skulle jag, roy, Milton, dj och andra till dembow i stadshagen men vi gick inte för att jag kom försen, två timma sent bara för att jag sov hahaha men jag be om en ursäkt :P . Vi gick till klubb Neo inställe, dem oppnade den nyss faktis och jag tro att den kmr vara stor, vi hade kul som fan :)
har inte mkt och säger idag, bara att jag är sjuk och jag kankshe inte kmr till skolan nästa vecka, vi får se hur stark jag bli, har haft huve verk sen torsdag, de verka som jag hålla på få feber, jag vet inte än.. men ska ta alvadon nu sen ska jag vila lite :D
så peace and luv
why do we boys scared to say what we really feel in our heart like when we do like someone, we get shy, scared and confused cuz by that time that person we do like or want is so special that we could do anything for that special person. Is it because we scared to lose them or scared to take it to the next level? i really dont know
Well, lately, these couple weeks, i have been loosing my concetration in class and every where in my every day time, u ask me why its just because, all my mind and heart is fullt with thoughts and yes i do think alot.. i have many questions in my head like, should i talk to her and see where it goes or should i just let it go and be friends so that no one will be hurt in time coming. yhe i am a friend with that person but got some crazy disturbing thoughts and feelings in my head that i cant get reed off,when i see the person, i just loose words to say exact, sometimes it feels like i want more than a friendship but am just afraid to say it, i dont know why and what´s keeping me, its not like i wanna be single utill i die, you live once remember that,,, So anyone who got some great ideas plzz tell me what i should do about this suituation..?? cuz i what this person at the same time am afraid to accept it. The difference about tis person from other girls is that she´s very unik, special, and good in many ways that i cant tell yhe, sorry about that...But the thing i have to train about is oppening up myself, its hard for me to say what i wanna say exact straight from the heart but sometimes people do read my face and tell :D
pappoose( the artist) said that, never say to a girl that you love her, are u stupid, you have to prov it. and i do belive him cuz words are just words utill you show what you mean...

American Idol Funniest AUDITION EVER!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I have never seen a guy sing this long for about i guess more than two minutes without any breathing in and out, wow, God daaaam! i think we got another Whitney Houston in the house but the problem is that it´s a guy and he didnt move on sorry boy, look at this clip, u gonna laugh utill u loose ur breath.... Trust me:)