why do we boys scared to say what we really feel in our heart like when we do like someone, we get shy, scared and confused cuz by that time that person we do like or want is so special that we could do anything for that special person. Is it because we scared to lose them or scared to take it to the next level? i really dont know
Well, lately, these couple weeks, i have been loosing my concetration in class and every where in my every day time, u ask me why its just because, all my mind and heart is fullt with thoughts and yes i do think alot.. i have many questions in my head like, should i talk to her and see where it goes or should i just let it go and be friends so that no one will be hurt in time coming. yhe i am a friend with that person but got some crazy disturbing thoughts and feelings in my head that i cant get reed off,when i see the person, i just loose words to say exact, sometimes it feels like i want more than a friendship but am just afraid to say it, i dont know why and what´s keeping me, its not like i wanna be single utill i die, you live once remember that,,, So anyone who got some great ideas plzz tell me what i should do about this suituation..?? cuz i what this person at the same time am afraid to accept it. The difference about tis person from other girls is that she´s very unik, special, and good in many ways that i cant tell yhe, sorry about that...But the thing i have to train about is oppening up myself, its hard for me to say what i wanna say exact straight from the heart but sometimes people do read my face and tell :D
pappoose( the artist) said that, never say to a girl that you love her, are u stupid, you have to prov it. and i do belive him cuz words are just words utill you show what you mean...

suup, tell her wha yu feel. in da worst case if she doeznt lyk yu, yu can be friends
If ur in love with a girl dont be scared to tell her,Why shuld u be? you cant control the feelings in ur heart,if ur heart tells u like/love someone accept it and dont try to hide it..Lloyd you cant continue the way ur doing,I know u too well..Trust me..soo all u have to do is follow ur heart..
Look Lloyd u need 2 open up ur heart 2 find the answer! Nothing its hard if u fight 4 it , and if u want it so much! If u like the girl so much go 4 it, u dont have anything 2 lose! U desirve the best u can get! Du behöver bara lita på dig själv och tänka igenom allt ! Men låt de inte gå för länge för då kommer du bara förlora den personen! ge de en chans om de inte funkar så funkar de inte så är ni vänner men om de funkar , The she is the one!
loyd jag försår dig mycket väll... men oroa dig inte du kommer hitta den rätta någon gång :d
hoppas det går bra med tjejeen. vem är tjejen förästen?? du kanske intee vill berätta
Vad väntar du på? börja m att visa det genom handling och inte ord. Go 4 it! =)
Gör det ditt hjärta känner. Gör det du vill. Annars kommer du att ångra dig. Och senare fråga dig själv varför du inte tog chansen när du väl hade den?
Take care!
Vad väntar du på? börja m att visa det genom handling och inte ord. Go 4 it! =)
Gör det ditt hjärta känner. Gör det du vill. Annars kommer du att ångra dig. Och senare fråga dig själv varför du inte tog chansen när du väl hade den?
Take care!