What a night, a friend of mine that goes in the same skul as me, yesterday her and there class, it was there´s graduation party ( deras skiva ). so congradulations onto her, and congradulations onto my self lol dont even know if someone can congradulate himself/herself but i just did.
the party was the bomb, Big dancehall music, jam oldschool. so good that it was better than mine graduation party ( skiva) which was last week and hers was yesterday.
anyway it was me roy samsog and the normal crew that were there, some few pictures from yesterday
I suppose that today is I april, for the first time i dont have any joks so i aint gonna pull upp anything 4 today,
I dont know what am gonna do on a friday night, maybe chill home untill sumthing fun cums up, we shall see or else give me some few ideas of what someone can do today.
its a bad wheather day, raining like hell, thats Sweden my friends.
anyway b4 i go, here are some few pictures from yestersday, the rest you will find them on FB.

P. s
Thats Martina, de va hennes skiva om ni undrade säkert :)
Much love, Peace !
the party was the bomb, Big dancehall music, jam oldschool. so good that it was better than mine graduation party ( skiva) which was last week and hers was yesterday.
anyway it was me roy samsog and the normal crew that were there, some few pictures from yesterday
I suppose that today is I april, for the first time i dont have any joks so i aint gonna pull upp anything 4 today,
I dont know what am gonna do on a friday night, maybe chill home untill sumthing fun cums up, we shall see or else give me some few ideas of what someone can do today.
its a bad wheather day, raining like hell, thats Sweden my friends.
anyway b4 i go, here are some few pictures from yestersday, the rest you will find them on FB.

Thats Martina, de va hennes skiva om ni undrade säkert :)
Much love, Peace !