Good Afternoon?
Good After noon everybody first of all....
Me Lloyd, i hate waking up early, trust me, that´s not me, i rather sleep the all day and be awake the all night :P what do ya think?
After a while i rested/ slept again for like 30 min but i felt like i wanna do something cuz i couldnt sleep anymore, so i put on my T.V but everything on T.V was boing like hell, so i first looked at mtv where there was this song of lazee- am not pop so i watched the video then i switched to z tv and the same song came again so i switched off my my tv and thought of something better. So the i thought of watching a film, first tv was boring and secondly i didn't wanna leave by bed so i got my MAC laptop and looked for a film. i noticed in all the films that i got, i haven't seen SAW V, SO I HAD NO CHOICE BUT TO WATCH IT. trust be everyone, the film was daaam disgusting, alttle bit scary but tricky too. allot of people dyeing and alot of blood ewww.
even the beautiful hot Megan Good was in the film but unfortunately, she died so ugly...,
I cant tell ya everything what happened in the film because whenever i thing about it and what happen, God daaaam, i think i would just vomit. but ya should see that film trust me, its good not so scary:)
