Min Nya Blogg !!!!

Helloooow !! allihopa !

jag har skapat en till blogg, vet inte varför men jag tycker om den mkt :) kmr vara helt mer oppen i den och säger alla mina åsikter :)
så om ni har lust kan ni droppa lite dar och lämna in en kommentera och säg till vad du tycker :)

Bloggen heter jag http://lloydipoptellem.blogg.se/nyblogg .

Mycket kärlek, peace and love <3333

Some tricky questions that cant be answered ?

There are some questions that cant be even answered, i ask my self the same questions all time long even not a pro,ur family, friends or God can give you the answers,
if you think that you can answer one of these questions, then get out and help by trying to answer some of the questions here.  I know that no one is PERFECT but there are some that can try to be,
I can ask my self a question that cant be answered, only one question can drive me crazy, a question can make a person think alot untill sometimes you feel yu wanna expolde. but if you are in to politics then its just mutter of doing a debate about these questions utill one wins and get a answer, and the following quuestions are ,;

Why have a heart when a heart can get broken?

Why drink & drive if you can smoke & fly?

You never get to heaven if you a
re scared to get high?

Do you belive in love in first sight ?

Why get in love when you know that you will get hurt one day ?

if you are in love, why get scared to show it for the person you love ?

Breaking news about Chris brown and Rihanna

Breaking news about what happened to the R&B super stars Chris brown and Rihanna just after the grammy award. When they were walking "under the umbrella-ella" to their car, She told him to " take a bow". He was like " exuse me miss" and then there was a "disturbia" they got in the car and Chris brown tried to turn off the radio. Rihanna said " please dont stop the music". He looked at her and said " excuse me mamma" " i had to say yoo. " She said "shut up and drive. " So Chris got mad and chocked her saying, " you cant breathe with no "air" . He took he down and hit her " from wall to wall ". He then decided to "run it" Maybe "forever.." She was like "i will see you in rehab"..."you have been unfaithful".// Reporter Lloyd


skolan skolan skolan, varför skolan? jag vet varför, för att att lär sig, men det mycket i skolan att göra, mycket att jobba med, man få inte ens ledigt, när man är i skolan, man känner sig trött och orlka inte med skolan och vill bara hem eller ta det lungt med att få ledigt typ men ibland när man har löv då saknar man skolan för att ibland det finns ingeting att göra i lovet eller kankshe du saknar dinna klass kamrat men jag vet att det sant, man saknar skolan, man saknar plugg för att det skön att plugg men ibland man orka inte med det eller skolan,man orka inte ens vakna i morse men det känns som att det ett jobb och du känner pengar men vi få bara pengar för vi går i skolan :) så man kan fråga sig en fråga, varför är det såhar spännade båda i skolan, en riktigt jobb och hemma ?

Happy birthday Marie

Maria just turned 18 years old which means that she´s a big girl now, she turned 18 on the 13th friday, we all ate dinner at her place and the food was ouff, that means that it was so great and sweat. some of it was kinda new to me. Any ways i only want to say that we who were there had allot of fun, after the dinner, marie and the crew went clubbing while me taking it easy with Jessica in town all night long, then after met alot of friends in town, But dont have much to say but congratulations marie once again and happy birthday !! big love Lloydipop<33

Michael Jackson's 'Final Curtain Call'

For days, rumors have circulated that Michael Jackson was startin' somethin'. And Thursday afternoon, before a couple of thousand screaming fans at London's 02 arena, the King of Pop revealed what has been referred to as "the worst kept secret in the world" — namely, a 10-concert residency beginning July 8 — his first slate of shows in 12 years. Michael Jackson Settles Out of Court with Sheik More Related * The Thriller Begins * Michael Jackson Settles Out of Court with Sheik * Punchlines "I love you so much," said Jackson, 50, barely audible over the whooping of his loyal supporters who crowded a shopping arcade outside the arena. "This is it. I just want to say that these will be my final show performances in London."  on this video, you see that people are dying, fighting and fainting for micheal Jackson, only that shows the love for micheal Jackson, still love him and his still nr 1 !!!

please God, send me a Guardian Angel !!!?

alot of things are happening now in my life and i dont think that i can do this all alone, i feel like i need some one on my side to help me do whatever am gonna do, someone that is there for me, someone that i can trust with all my heart and soul, someone that knows my world. i am a true christian, the way i believe in God is the way i believe in a true friend. I dont know what´s gonna happen tommorrow and after tommorrow, that´s what am afraid of, i dont know when to do right and wrong but things just happen with crazy feelings, Am afraid of making choices because i dont know what am gonna get from it, sometimes to do what i what cuz you do know what will end up with, Am afraid of alot of things in my life, love is pain and pain is love, but what i know is that am not afraid of giving my love to all the people i see, if you are a friend or not, sister or brother, fake or true, good or evil. The thing is that i dont know and that´s why me Lloydipop needs a Guardian Angel. As a true person, true christian, i will always love everybody, friends, best friend, girl friends and boy friends, home boys and home girls, i will always be here for all yall ! Peace & Love Lloydipop

hellooww allihopa !!

Jag vet att jag bruka inte skriva ofta men det är för att jag har haft det fullt med plugg, hinner inte skriva eller berätta någoting men när jag har tid då kmr jag. 
idag vaknade jag dålig vet jag inte varför men jag mår inte bra idag, känner som att måste vila lite att kunna mår bra, först ska jag lågga lite mat jag och min syra Hanifa sen ska jag vila en eller två timma efter ska jag plugga lite, har mkt plugg att vara klar med men hoppas att jag hinner i tid. Det mycket att göra, hemma är det inte så säkert men bibla kankshe . .
jag kankshe är förskyld, har huve verk och ont i hälsen, jag är inte säkert om jag kmr klara av skolan imorgon men ändå vill jag inte missa något så måste ditt, om jag mår värre då kmr jag hemma efter lunch misst. 

peace och mycket kärlek. 

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