why do i think that this is the worst x-mas ever?
why i think so is because there´snt snoa on chrismas day and there is always snoa on chrismas day,
its just cold and windy outside,
am home right now,just eating chrismas food with my uchle and three more relatives
most of my relative are outside coutry having fun but me here in this daaam cold boring country
I just got a soda which am drinking now and eating chocklate soon am gonna go and watch a film dont know which one but just too pass time you know. Most of the people am suppossed to cerebrate with are in Uganda, the only thing am doing is calling them and wishing them a merry x-mas that´s all.
Whenever am in africa, i usually go to church am praise the lord for this day cuz its the day when jesus was born but look at me now, here in sweden, the idea of going to church, nopps i didnt even have it, please God forgive me..
Mostly i thank you me myself for this day, bless me while you bless others i love, my family and friends, the orphans all those, i thank you again
<><><>But still, am wondering why this x-mas sucks? is it sweden, is it me or what, what´s missing? somebody tell me why it sucks<><>
Merry x-mas everyone!
peace, Lloydipop

Naaw :/ think postive Lloyd bro , nice blog :) check out mine too :P
okey thx, means alot:) i will try,but still why am i not having fun them, am just home, that´´s not me trust me, chrismas days i susally get out and celebrate,
hah thx, its means alot:) ya ama do that just chill,
i know and i will think like that but if u look, its nothing happening, that´s not how i celebrate, i usually be out not home and do something fun but now am just surtifed with food in my stomac and chocklate nothing else...:(
Yeah I understand what U mean .. :/
Me , Im always celebratin home with my family n close friends.. heh mm, but you can turn that to something good :P :)
Merry X-mas!
ya i will think of something, dont know yet,
but am happy that u there cuz i know ur brain HAHAHAH daaaaaam smart like a motherfucker..
Yeah I know.. dont say that word :o hahah U can tell me Im smart as Einstein instead ;) haha
hahaha ayyt ayyt :)
oj am sorry, i didnt mean that but any where u know what i met ayyt..
okey as u want, but what does Einstein mean? hah
HAHAHHAHA U kiddin me right ? Einstein is this smart guy, he had like 200 in IQ :D he was probably the smartest guy that have ever lived :D hahah u are so funny Lloyd!